
Blast past the inky black holes,
As fast as plodding feet may trod;
Tarry not, neither long, or too close;
Stay far away; steer clear,
From the edge of the deep,
Lest you fall into the mire,
Of inky black sleep.

Recreate, re-create; matters not what its called;
Recreate, re-create; magical reset for the living;
Doors and windows open to sky’s of blue;
Whenever the button Recreate is pressed;
Old living renews; vitality abounds;
Recreate, re-create, step up, your’re next!

New eyes, new ears, new mind, new thoughts;
Bright brush strokes, re-color dreary landscapes,
Recreate! Re-create!
Wait for its nudge, its urge, its push towards re-start;
Lightning bolts, blasts from depths of deep sea;
Recreate! Re-create!
Re-member to breathe,
And in breathing perceive;
Be settled, renewed, re-framed, re-cast.

via Daily Prompt: Recreate

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