That by the grace of God you were healthy enough to toe the line is worth celebrating. Focus on that and let the minutes, seconds and milliseconds of disappointment go.
A.C. Shilton

Running Quote

Season of the Sun

These summer months are flying by and I find that I have no desire to sit still for any prolonged amount of time…which means I don’t sit long enough to compose my thoughts on paper…or anywhere else for that matter. Like the months, my mind seems to fly by itself too. Thoughts, ideas, musings, meditations…all flit and float about wildly and cannot light for long before another wisp of intrigue catches and carries them away to places unknown and hidden. These are the days that beckon me to go outdoors, to bask in the delights of the season, to explore and rest, to drift and dream. So I will not, today, or any day too soon, do anything other than what the season beckons me to do; I will enjoy this day to the full and in so doing I know that I am also delighting in the One who made it for me! I will bask in the glory of the present…of today. The days will grow short and the shadows grow long soon enough…those days will call me to myself again so that I may recall everything I have learned in this season of the sun.